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Samoa Chat is an important internet resource 
that has been used by many thousands of samoans, friends
and those interested in the Samoan culture worldwide.


Samoa Chat showcases
the many aspects of our
great and unique samoan culture.

This very unique samoan website also provides live chat
amongst loved ones and friends
from around the world
as well as other free services.

Samoa Chat has already reunited many families,
long lost relatives and friends
and still continues even today.


I continue to pay monthly to keep Samoa Chat open and free for everyone to use worldwide.

Please keep this in mind when utilizing this website.  

I created it for the public to use, but not to abuse, disrespect, or take for granted.

On behalf of myself and everyone at Samoa Chat,
faafetai tele and thank you.

- Joseph Matua
Owner & creator of Samoa Chat

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Samoa Chat Copyright & Trademark Joseph Matua.
All Rights Reserved.

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